German Datacenter Association awards startup prize to etalytics

As part of the first German Datacenter Conference, the German Datacenter Association (GDA) awarded the Startup Prize to etalytics on 20.09.2022 – for its solutions for AI-supported analysis and optimization of cooling systems, which realize significant energy savings potential in data centers. Pumps, chillers including adiabatic systems and compressors are continuously monitored and, with the […]
Kickoff event of EISKIG Research Project

At the kick-off of the research project “EISKIG” (Energy Intelligence System for smart cooling systems in industrial buildings), representatives of etalytics, the PTW Institute of the Technical University of Darmstadt, ETA-Solutions, Equinix, Merck, Bosch Rexroth, Volkswagen, ASML and Trumpf met in an Equinix data center in Frankfurt on September 13, 2022. All partners are united […]