
Nominated for the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment

We are pleased to announce that our AI-based energy intelligence software solutions have been nominated for the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment (IKU). At the festive awards ceremony in Berlin in spring 2022, the winners will be announced and the awards presented in person. Cross your fingers for us! Innovations are the engine […]

Winner of Hessian State Prize ENERGY in category “Electricity”

We are pleased to be awarded with our etaONE Energy Intelligence Platform as winner of the Hessian State Award ENERGY in the category “electricity”. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the prize was awarded in a digital format on November 18, 2020 during a ceremony at the Zukunftsforum Energiewende. Many thanks to the jury and to […]

Another milestone – „Ideas competition for Climate Protection” Frankfurt

2020 is treating us well so far. A further milestone for etalytics has been reached by winning the “Ideas Competition for Climate Protection 2019” of the city of Frankfurt . Because of the innovative character, CO2 savings and economic efficiency of our project we were awarded a prize money of 22.000 € on 06.02.2020 in […]

Winner of the BMWi ideas competition “Digital Innovations”

On 17.09.2019, the winners of the “Gründerwettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen” were honored at the EMO exhibition in Hanover. With our idea paper on the etalytics business model, we were able to win the main prize endowed with 32k EUR as well as the special prize “Digitization in Production” endowed with 10k EUR. We would like […]