
From Space to Green Factories – ESA BIC Startup 2021

Blog // December 28, 2020

Spacecraft are exceptionally complex and expensive machines with thousands of telemetry data channels. State of the art methods for anomaly detection, which have been developed for space applications, are able to detect unexpected behavior and alert operations engineers to respond to potential hazards before full or partial loss of spacecraft.

Likewise, in industry we have complex and expensive energy systems supplying production processes and buildings with thousands of telemetry channels for temperature, pressure, power etc. Often sensors and single components fail, which may lead to a costly production stop. Additionally, the performance of our analysis and optimization algorithms are heavily depending on the availability of high-quality data.

In order to detect failures at an early stage and respond to it accordingly, we will be integrating a top notch anomaly detection method from space technology into our etaONE® Energy Intelligence platform. We are happy to announce that we have been selected to become an ESA Business Incubation Center (BIC) startup in 2021 for this project.

We are looking forward to this exciting venture and soon to be able to offer premium anomaly detection functionality to our customers. For the implementation we will be working together with data science experts from ESA and receive funding from both ESA and the state of Hesse.

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